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Links to files and forms on this page are available to the public and members.  


To access secure, member only documents on the Associa
British Columbia Ltd. - Property Management page, click 

To search for a document link on this page:

  1. Hold the 'ctrl' key then press the 'f' key (a search box appears in the upper right of the page).

  2. Type a key word (or words) in the search box (results will be highlighted in yellow).

  3. In the search box, click the up or down arrows to move to through the results.

Click document titles to open them in a separate window.

The 'Rules' contain content from the 'Cooperative Association Act' and the 'Cooperative Association Regulations' (of British Columbia).  These two pieces of legislation set out governance for cooperative associations (such as membership, financial requirements, etc.).

The 'Internal Regulations' contain content developed by the Board and members.  There are references to some legislation.  However, the majority of the content is more 'on the ground' type items (such as rentals, occupancy, construction, lot maintenance, etc., 

Follow these steps when buying or selling shares.

Potential new members:  Click the form name link (above), fill in the appropriate blanks, save the form to your computer and email it to the Association contact provided to you.  'DocuSign' - Electric signatures is used to sign this form.

Sellers/purchases can use this form for the sale and purchase of shares.

This form is used during the interview to discuss and acknowledge a variety of topics related to becoming a member of the OPRCA.

Potential new members:  Click the form name link (above), fill in the appropriate blanks, save the form to your computer and email it to the Association contact provided to you.  'DocuSign' - Electric signatures is used to sign this form.

New members - Print and complete this form prior the interview to grant the Property Management company (Cornerstone Properties Ltd.) approval to communicate via email.

This form is now fillable!  
Download/save the form, fill it in, save/print, sign (both member and visitor) then scan the form and submit it to at:   prior to guests arrival at the park.  

Learn about proper care of the park's septic tanks.

Learn about the use of fire boxes for small fires. 

There are six categories of the number of shares per lot.  Each lot, along with its associated shares is listed in this document.

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